Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-Blood Money 7 Apr 15 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 7 April 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

People often assume that the "fiat" currencies are worthless and not backed by actual assets, but they are.
These currencies are backed by the value of labor, services, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property. We call them "blood money" because they derive their value from the attributes of living people, from our energy, our skills, our labor, our inventions, our performances, our talents, etc.
So, everyone needs to stop this idea that the fiat currencies are worthless. The truth is that they are of great value. The further truth is that they were constructed via the use of deceit and fraud to capture their value.
People did not knowingly and willingly line up and agree to donate these assets of theirs for the benefit of any corporation in the business of providing them with governmental services, and therefore did not enter into a "private tax agreement" with the Holy See or the Vatican or any other entity including the REPUBLIC OF ITALY. That is the rub.
At this point, the Perpetrators of this scheme to "latch onto" the value of our intellectual and energetic property assets have racked up a huge deficit, as they took advantage of the credit they established for themselves based on our intellectual and energetic property assets, and never paid anything back.
The way that a Debt/Credit Monetary System is supposed to work is as a Zero Sum System. When you exchange a debt in the form of a promissory note (fiat money) for actual goods or services, you immediately establish an answering credit in the same amount.
Think about what happens when you give your friend, Alphonse, a promise to pay for a plate of food. He receives your promise to pay, and you receive the food. It's a "zero sum" transaction, as both elements, the promise and the food, are assumed to be of equal value or you wouldn't make the trade.
Of course, in real life, this "voluntary" trade of goods and services for paper promises to pay in the future is often coerced via the use of Legal Tender Laws, which were imposed throughout most of the world in the 1930's. We forget that the USA, Inc., was not the only major "national corporation" to go bankrupt at the same time. The G5 were all in the same boat and went bankrupt by treaty which was arranged at the Geneva Conventions of 1930 and signed off on in May of that year. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the American Delegate who signed off on behalf of the USA, Inc.
Legal Tender Laws abuse the powers of government to force people to accept debt notes in lieu of any actual payment for their goods and services. Legal Tender Laws are fundamentally coercive and illegal, which is why those same governments all had to provide remedy for those of us who would not voluntarily accept this unequal exchange. In America, we have to "denominate" our financial transactions to be done in "lawful money" or we are presumed to agree with the Federal Reserve plan and to "pledge" ourselves and our assets in its support.

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