Masks for Kids: Making masks that kids will want to wear | DIY

3 years ago

CDC guidelines now include masks for young children, and many states are requiring masks for kids in public places. After watching some parents at a park struggle to keep masks on their children (probably around ages 5 and 10) I got to thinking about the sort of masks kids like wearing. Most kids certainly aren't fans of medical masks. My two-year-olds made it a record 46 second before taking theirs off. But who says you have to wear a medical mask or a cloth mask? Who doesn't want to be a superhero?

There are definitely some better ways to do this, but this was a quick idea I had, and it worked pretty well. My kids are too small to wear these, so I guess my wife and I will have to test them out.

Thanks for watching! Leave a comment and let me know how your kids are managing with masks, if you are in an area that is requiring them.

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