Romans 4:1-16 LIVE BY FAITH 04/18/21 Sunday Service

3 years ago

Romans 4:1-16


Do you feel Jesus can't save you? Is your sin life so bad Jesus can't forgive you?

Paul speaks of Abraham as an example, a man who answered God's calling to leave all he knew into an unknown land. God counted Abraham's faith as righteousness, not his works, not his past.

Then God calls Abraham to sacrifice his ONLY legitimate son, Isaac, a son of his old age. But God steps in and provides HIMSELF a sacrifice instead of Isaac.

Today God likewise calls us to walk by faith. But Jesus seeks us out; we don't find God, God finds us. It is a free gift, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Jesus justifies the ungodly. Nothing you do can make you righteous. Only faith in the blood of Jesus is able. God declares you innocent based on your faith!

#Romans #Church #Jesus #JesusChrist #salvation #righteousness #faith #ElPaso

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