Do What You Love - Is It Really That Simple? @TenTonOnline

3 years ago

Lots more in your free Online Business Workshop: See ya there!


Show Notes:

- Online business guide (free download!): 7 Steps To Profits!

- Domain registration:

- Solid web hosting (with discount!):

- Business-grade email:

- Best email marketing service:

- Best website builder:

- Top web and marketing tools and services:

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There's a big, fat, hairy myth that says that everyone is really great at something...and so all we need to do is find that "one thing"...that one singular talent...that single, sole purpose for our existence on this Earth...and suddenly our life will come together.

If only life were so easy! This myth, this belief, that we're all really great at just ONE thing...that we all have a hidden talent that we need to uncover...that single purpose we were put here on Earth to do just ONE thing is one big giant distraction.

It's what Steve Pressfield calls Resistance in his must-read book, The War Of Art.

This belief has people wandering off into the wilderness to "find themselves"...has people who are otherwise filled with potential hiding in their Mom's's what keeps people stuck in a job they know they aren't suited for.

To be successful you don’t need to be the best at any one thing. Instead, it's all about being good -- not great -- at a combination of things. All you need to succeed is to be good at a number of skills that fit well and compliment each other.

When you combine a few areas of interest together that compliment each other, you can be just average or "good enough" at them...but because you've combined them together, you can create an incredible uniqueness that's very valuable to other people.

So rather than searching for that one unique gift or special talent or wandering off into the mountains to "find yourself"...I strongly urge you to look at your existing interests and what you enjoy doing.

What things could you add to them -- even if you don't quite enjoy them -- that would make them even better and create for you a unique set of skills?

I'll use myself as an example: It took me far too long to realize that while I have tons and tons of interests, three that stand out are...

1) Researching: I love digging deeply into topics, taking courses, reading books, and taking detailed notes. I love finding out how things REALLY work. This could be things like email marketing, SEO, building sales funnels, and more.

2) Sorting and organizing: I don't know what's wrong with me...but I LOVE sorting and organizing things. I get filled with excitement when I see a messy, cluttered garage, closet, or garden shed.'s gotta be a mental condition, but I love it!

I love going through things, sorting, putting things in order, and getting rid of things that aren't needed. And I love doing this with topics I've researched deeply -- I love going through all my detailed notes and putting things in order and sequencing things into logical, progressive steps.

3) Finally, teaching: I never in a million years thought I'd be good at teaching...but I love meeting people, talking to them and learning about where they're coming from. And I love communicating in clear, plain English the topics that I've researched and sorted and organized. I love it!

And so what I've done in my professional work with Ten Ton is combined these three things together into something unique. Further, I've worked on additional, complimentary content marketing, SEO, video production, and others.

And it's important to note that some of these I enjoy more than others...but that they all compliment one another.

So what about you? What things are you naturally drawn to? What are your interests? Is there a way to combine them together? Are there other skills that would compliment them?

When learning a new skill, all it takes is curiosity -- curiosity about how it works, and curiosity for how you could apply it to your life. Magic is created when you begin combining otherwise separate and isolated interests and skills create something unique and one-of-a-kind.

Once you get that sorted out, then the question becomes: How can I use my unique set of skills to serve the sorts of people I want to work with?


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