Hanging May Basket

3 years ago

May baskets were a tradition growing up with me and my cousins next door. We made them from paper crafts and filled them with whatever flowers we found outside. Usually they were filled with dandelions and we ran around our neighborhood giving them as gifts!

Supplies I Used

Master Touch Burlap Blank Canvas 8 x 16 from Hobby Lobby
Fabric or large ribbon of your choice: I cut my piece just shy of 8″ x 8″
Assortment of embellishments: I used cream braided rope from Hobby Lobby as my main embellishments plus a burlap/lace ribbon and two buttons.
Hot glue and glue gun and E6000 flexible glue
Assortment of faux flowers of your choice.

Ding Dong Ditching

We then delivered our May baskets to our neighbors, rang the door bell and ran away as fast as we could!


Time to make our home decor version of a May Basket!

To start with I roughly measured my fabric to see how I wanted this to lay on my burlap canvas.

I measured a rough 7 to 8″ square and cut the fabric.

Then I pulled the loose threads out of the fabric for a rustic look.

Next, I grabbed my braided rope and measured by placing the rope over my fabric square.

I did this for the bottom and along each side of my fabric square making sure to leave some fabric showing on the outside of the rope.

Next, hot glue these in place where you want them on your fabric.

For the top of the square, I wanted to use a burlap and lace ribbon.

I measured and cut this ribbon so it would fit across the top including the braided rope.

Glue this in place with your hot glue gun.

Now we are ready to apply our fabric basket to the canvas.

Flip your fabric square over, apply a line of E6000 glue to the two sides and bottom of the square.

Next apply hot glue along the E6000 glue.

The hot glue will cool quicker than the E6000 glue and will hold our May Basket in place while the E6000 glue cures.

As soon as I applied my fabric down on the canvas, I flipped the canvas over and so I could apply pressure while the hot glue cooled to this area without stretching the canvas.

Finally, I flipped my wall decor back over and I added two decorate bottoms to the bottom corners of my May basket pocket for an extra special touch.

That is it!


It’s time to decorate our May Basket with flowers!

I decided not to glue any flowers in my Hanging May Basket so I can leave this wall decor up year round if I choose and switch out the flowers according to the season or Holidays.

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