Venezuela National Anthem (Instrumental) Gloria al Bravo Pueblo

3 years ago

"Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" (“Glory to the Brave People”) is the national anthem of Venezuela. Its lyrics were written by physician and journalist Vicente Salias in 1810, set to music later composed by musician Juan José Landaeta. Owing to musical similarities with the French national anthem, beginning in 1840 “Gloria al Bravo Pueblo” was known as “La Marsellesa Venezolana” (“The Venezuelan Marseillaise”). It was declared Venezuela’s national anthem by decree of President Antonio Guzmán Blanco in 1881.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Glory to the brave people
who shook off the yoke,
The law respecting,
virtue and honour.

“Down with chains!”
Shouted the Lord;
And the poor man in his hovel
For Freedom implored.
Upon this holy name
Trembled in great dread
The vile selfishness
That had once prevailed.

Venezuelan National Anthem / Himno Nacional de Venezuela / Himno Venezolano / Volkslied van Venezuela / Venezolaanse Volkslied / Nationalhymne von Venezuela / Venezolanische Nationalhymne / Гимн Венесуэлы / Inno Nazionale del Venezuela / Inno Nazionale Venezuelano / Hymne national du Venezuela / Hymne Vénézuélien / Hino Nacional da Venezuela / Hino Venezuelano / Lagu Kebangsaan Venezuela / ベネズエラ国歌 / Hymn Wenezueli / Venezuelská Hymna / Himna Venecuele / Venezuela Milli Marşı / Venezuelas Nationalsång / Venezuela Himnusza / النشيد الوطني الفنزويلي

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