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motivational/meeting your goals is not as important as achieving your goals in life.

3 years ago

Self motivation is probable the single most important element in
keeping an individual interested and committed to finishing a set
The doubt factor that is always present in every scenario requires
some level of motivation in order to ensure the doubt is kept in check
or at bay. In life it is not always possible to only do things or be
exposed to things that only bring pleasure.
There will be times when some discipline is required to get through a
task even if it is uncomfortable and displeasure able, and here is
where one needs to be self motivated. Keeping the end goal in clear focus. When the end goal is
clearly imprinted in the mind’s eye, then the body and mind
will be able to subconsciously condition themselves to suit the
needs of the individual to successfully complete the task set.
 Continuously reminding one’s self of the capabilities and the
conviction that it is possible to finish the task. This continual
reminder will then translate into a zest and even the chemical
reaction within the body and mind that produces the extra
energy to keep going.
ï‚· Stepping back and viewing the task in its present percentage of
accomplishment will also help to create a further motivational
level to complete it. This is more so when the physical
accomplishment to that point is on the positive side.
ï‚· Facilitating little rewards to be enjoyed as each level in the task
is achieved can also be a good motivational tool.


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