Do you love me, part 3 #short

3 years ago

John records Peter and Jesus having this conversation by the Lakeshore in chapter 21.

Jesus ask Peter if he has a godly love and Peter replies twice that he does not but instead uses a familiar love or a family love response. Jesus tells Peter if he has a godly love, Peter will take care of the lambs and the sheep.

The third time Jesus asks, something clicks in Peter and he gets it. He responds that Jesus knows everything including the love he has. Jesus tells Peter that when he is old he will be taking where he doesn't want to go and he'll be given in his arms but he doesn't want to take.

90 and Out dedicated to the reading and understanding of the Christian Bible. Focus and priority is given to looking at the text and a plan reading of it. Discussion on meaning and application is encouraged.

Host: Timothy Holt
Writer: Timothy Holt
Director: Timothy Holt
Editor: Timothy Holt
Additional support provided by: Dorothy Holt, Pastors Dave and Diana Hutch, and Six Points Church, Parker, PA
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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