Abraham Hicks / You Hold the Key to Everything, But You Don't Know!

3 years ago

How do you feel about being mostly vibrational ? so how do you feel about being mostly vibrational in order to create what is see it hear it smell it taste it touch at manifestation all ? in other words which part of it you like the best the manifested part or the vibrational part ?
what if you could have all of the manifestation that ?
you want if you're willing just for a little while to let it be about how it
feels just for a little while are you willing to just let it be about
happiness just for a little while it's a terrible price to pay we know to
be happy anyway to be happy anyway without justification of the
manifestation to support it but if you can decide that you're gonna be happy anyway without needing to justify with the manifestation then you're gonna be in that sweet spot you're gonna be one who translates that vibration into a thought and an emotion and then into an impulse and into another idea into a rendezvous and into another rendezvous until you'll feel like you're moving on this stream of consciousness where the good ideas just are flowing and the people are dancing with you and all the ones who are not a vibrational match
just fade in the background and all those who are a vibrational match just come forward and people will want you and they will say what is it with you why do you move about with such ease and flow and you say because things are always working out for me and I know it and I don't need them to have been worked out before I accept that they are
working out that's the key things are working out they do not have to have already worked out in order for me to find that positive emotion that's the key right there that's the key you

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