'When The Left Goes Too Far' - Sargon, Milo, Marxists & Milkshake - Full Version

3 years ago

A meta-analysis of the modern mainstream left and its increasingly intolerant and often violent behaviour towards those of another viewpoint.

Having attended a few of Carl Benjamin's UKIP rallies down in Cornwall last summer, and having secretly filmed them from an attendee's perspective, I wanted to publish some of the main events I witnessed.

From two-tier policing which is rampant now in Britain, to meeting irrational snowflakes live in the flesh (a first for me) this video documents what I think are some of the most critical issues facing freedom and democracy in the UK. The principle of ‘free speech for all’ appears to be dying, jeapordising the survival of every other freedom we have enjoyed for so many truly progressive decades.


Carl Benjamin - Sargon Of Akkad
Milo Yiannopoulos
Reverend Simon Sideways (but usually forwards)
Joel Punwani (GlibDem tyrant-in-waiting)
Tony 'The Hornblower' King (Cornwall Trumpeter)
Jess 'Professional Victim' Phillips
Joseph 'Jeremy' Stalin
Chairman Meeow
Tony Bliar
Big 'Who is the loudest of them all' Red
Diane 'Russ' Abbot
and many more!

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"Lest we be silenced."


All material is my own original work, CC(0) / Public Domain, or used lawfully under "Fair Use" allowances provided by the Copyright Act.

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