How Can Public Transport Better Compete with the Car (Part 4)?

3 years ago

The aim of this 5 part series is to disseminate the concepts of urban transport planning. The need for such a series was felt after confusion reigned on social media during the great many debates that the road widening projects carried out by Infrastructure Malta ignited.

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Simply building a rail will not induce a modal shift away from the car
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Advantages of Public Transport
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Economists’ Ideas of Reducing Congestion
Hodge, D. C. (1997) ‘Accessibility-related issues.’ Journal of Transport Geography. 5 pp. 33 – 34.
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Bicycle Advocacy Group has changed its name to

A Strategy of Public Transpor with Cycling
Martens, K. (2004) ‘The bicycle as a feedering mode: experiences from hree European countries.’ Transportation Research Part D. 9 pp. 281 – 294.
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Motorcycles Pollute More Than The Car.

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