PULLET/HEN UP FOR DISCUSSION: 1 Rhode Island & 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, laying 1 year.

3 years ago

For discussion: 1 Rhode Island Red, from Tractor Supply, approx 10-11 months old, and laying. 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte from McMurray Hatchery...she is 1 year this month...and has been laying. Both are good birds, they are healthy, and laying normally. Neither have ever been ill, or have any issues that I am aware of. They are confined birds, to large runs - and have never been let out to forage - and they have never been bred - I don't have a rooster. These are up for either discussion, or Trade. TRADING: If trading, it must be a pullet, and it must be grown to full size - so like, at least 4 months old. I can't put them in with my full grown ones, unless they at least "look" like an adult chicken. I am looking mainly for BLACK AUSTRALORPS. But, will consider a Buff Orpington, or Barred Rock. I am looking only for pullets who lay LARGE eggs. The reason I am trading is to minimize the medium sized eggs - as I can only have a handful of chickens in my area. Plz PM me, if interested. I am in Lake Wylie, SC - just South of Charlotte. Can travel 1 - 1.5 hours possibly for right situation. (Note: If you have Black Australorps on a regular basis - and have fertile eggs for sale, please PM me and let me know. I do not need now, but will in late June...)

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