Divine Mercy conversion to Catholicism, Saved from suicide, depression and Heroin drug use

3 years ago

Here is the conversion testimony of Mathew Sullivan spoken on Divine Mercy Sunday at Our Lady of Victories Basilica Camberwell. Of being brought up by an alcoholic father whom never wanted, nor loved me. In an atmosphere of violence and abuse. Aged 16 I got lost in drugs to escape the pain. 12 years later I had an experience that changed me. This is my witness to the healing power of Jesus who saved me from drug use, depression, hopelessness and suicide. My conversion and transformation has been so powerful and complete, I share my story to give glory and thanks to God for all that He has done for me. To give hope to the hopeless...

You can contact me by going to my website https://eternalpeace.com.au/

The 2 books I have written are:
'Healed by the Grace of God - A practical guide on how to open to the healing Grace of God'
'Stop! This is not the way'

Information on where my books are available at https://eternalpeace.com.au/my-books

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