在反射谷背包露营 系列1 进谷小道-Backpack Reflection Canyon Series 1 - The trail

3 years ago


The trail into Reflection Canyon is about 8.5 miles. I divided the trail into two sections: the Dirt section and the Boulders section. This video is the Dirt part, about three miles long, and it's all dusty dirt, and low bushes surround it; As for the Boulders part, I'll post another video to let you see the actual road.

关于反射谷 About Reflection Canyon

位于犹他州,在卡纳布附近这条来回15.2 英里的小道,通常被认为是一条具有挑战性的路线,平均需要 5 小时 58 分钟才能完成。这是背包旅行、露营和远足的热门小路,但您仍然可以在一天中较安静的时间享受独处时光。游览这条小路的最佳时间是 3 月至 11 月。狗是受欢迎的,并且在某些区域可以不绑狗带。
Discover this 15.2-mile out-and-back trail near Kanab, Utah. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 5 h 58 min to complete. This is a popular trail for backpacking, camping, and hiking, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day. The best times to visit this trail are March through November. Dogs are welcome and may be off-leash in some areas.

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