Biden Pushing Russia Into China’s Arms, 3576

3 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
So if you were a Joe Biden, what’s the best way to deflect media attention away from the ever-growing revelations of the family’s Chinese communist connections?
How about trying to use the old smoke & mirrors trick by attempting to reinvigorate the Russia collusion delusion? I mean, for it being as weak as it was, it actually worked quite well to prevent any of the MSM from accidentally wandering into real truthful reporting for 4 years or more. Today, it’s still the path with the highest probability of success available to team Biden, and it works well for several reasons.
This morning, the following story broke about 8 am. With all the smoke and heat about the Dems’ Supreme Court packing legislation tonight, this foreign policy story will not receive the important coverage that it deserves.
Here are two graphs from the New York Times’ coverage from just an hour ago - 5 pm, April 15th - on the big Biden crackdown on Russia. Stick with me, the payoff is in the last sentence.
“In an executive order, Mr. Biden announced a series of additional steps — sanctions on 32 entities and individuals for disinformation efforts and for carrying out Moscow’s interference in the 2020 presidential election. Ten Russian diplomats, most of them identified as intelligence operatives, were expelled from the Russian Embassy in Washington. The United States also joined with European partners to impose sanctions on eight people and entities associated with Russia’s occupation of Crimea.”
“For the first time, the U.S. government squarely placed the blame for the hacking, known as SolarWinds, on the Kremlin, saying it was masterminded by the S.V.R., one of the Russian intelligence agencies that was also involved in the intrusion of the Democratic National Committee six years ago. The finding comports with the findings of private cybersecurity companies.”
So, as you can see, this story is also being twisted to place – once again – the blame for the DNC hack on Russia, Russia, Russia. And as I’ve said many times before, this is patently false until or unless you can disprove Bill Binney’s scientific findings that the DNC hack definitely came from within the eastern time zone of the United States, according to the metadata attached to every file.
In addition, the download speeds available in Washington, DC at that time weren’t even close to that exhibited by the metadata. The downloads from the DNC server could only have been achieved by someone inside the DNC building – preferably inside the DNC data center of their headquarters building, according to Mr. Binney. Seth Rich, being a DNC Data Center Manager, was one of the few with access to that data center.
By the way, Mr. Binney will be our first guest on our Friday night livestream tomorrow night at 7pm, and we’ll ask him to elaborate on this topic.

So, the New York Times story continues the deep state narrative that Seth Rich had nothing to do with the material that later ended up being released by WikiLeaks. No, the NYT continues to broadcast the deceptive version of available facts, concluding once again that it was those evil Russians - and nevermind about those silly little Chinese.
The truth is that the United States needs to forge a loose-knit working alliance with Russia in order to have any chance of holding the fast-coming Chinese world hegemony at bay.
The U.S. and Russia are natural allies and have been for a long time – before the 1917 communist coup in Russia and going back at least to the U.S. Civil War.
It was Russia that helped Abraham Lincoln survive the Civil War in 1863 by docking the Russian Atlantic fleet in New York City and the Pacific fleet in San Francisco at a time when France and England were considering coming to the aid of the Confederacy. Why? This is one of the untold stories of the U.S. Civil War. Because England and France were at that time the two world super powers. It was in their geo-political interest to weaken the United States – permanently split it in two if possible, thereby neutralizing its growing economic and industrial power, and leaving the two of them to fight it out for world domination.
Is this some wild conspiracy theory? According to historian Tom Delahaye, in his book, “The Bilateral Effect of the Visit of the Russian Fleet in 1863”:
“In 1863, during the American Civil War, the Russian Navy's Atlantic and Pacific fleets wintered in the American ports of New York and San Francisco, respectively. “Some historians credit this visit as a major factor in deterring France and the UK from entering the war on the Confederate side.”

With the exception of the communist takeover of Russia in 1917 which lasted until Christmas Day, 1971 – 52 years in total - the U.S. and Russia have been natural allies at least since the U.S. Civil War – both interested in their own national sovereignties and opposed to world hegemony – by any nation.
And although little known outside military circles, it was the United States using our economic clout in the late 1980’s and early 90’s, that helped bring down the communist dictatorship – then called the Soviet Union – and re-establish sovereign power once again to the 14 independent republics and mother Russia.
A populist, sovereignty-minded U.S. foreign policy should re-align itself with Russia – not fight with it and drive it into China’s arms. This is the world’s only solution to prevent a Chinese-dominated New World Order dictatorship.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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