DIXIE HERITAGE HOUR - MAR. 1, 2019 – Paul Angel

3 years ago

Dr. Ed talks with TBR's Executive Editor, Paul Angel, about the March/April issue of The Barnes Review Magazine.

The conversation begins with a discussion of John Wear's article on Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox. Contrary to propaganda, Rommel was a patriot and was never a part of a plot to kill his Commander-in-Chief or to commit treason against his nation. So why did he willfully take poison when accused?

What Rommel and Hitler did understand was that the war against Germany was actually a war against the Christian and European culture and civilization of the German nation. We have recently seen the same disdain in the way the media twisted the story of the Covington Catholic kids whose only crimes were being "Christian" and "white." This is why the "allies," especially the Soviets, did not limit their attacks to military targets but also bombed the churches, statues, great works of art, and cultural icons of Germany.

In Europe today, we are seeing the same thing happening as artists such as Alison Chabloz who told TBR interviewer Dave Gahary, “I’m the only singer in modern British history who’s actually been put in prison for singing songs that nobody was forced to listen to.”

There is a brief conversation about Clint Lacy's great article on the influence that the Knights of the Golden Circle had in both armies during the War Between the States, Dr. Ed's article on secession and that it was a right guaranteed to the States in the Constitution, and the murderous violence of nelson Mandela. The discussion ends with an overview of Thomas Goodrich's article on the savagery of Indian attacks and TBR Associate Editor John Tiffany's great article on how violence on the reservation in Oklahoma was actually one of the reasons why the FBI was established.

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