The David Knight Show 15Apr2021 - Full Show

3 years ago

INTERVIEW: Artur Pawlowski - “Get Out” viral video to cops invading on Easter

Propaganda focus now vaccine hesitancy

SCOTUS packing plan revealed

2:15 Sam Montoya, cameraman arrested for filming at the capital, as DOJ announces officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt will NOT be charged

34:59 Bernie Madoff? Here’s the biggest Ponzi scheme thieves in history (and never jailed)

1:07:22 One judge blocks all videos showing Planned Parenthood murder for hire

1:16:22 John Cleese lampoons Hank Azaria (Simpsons’ Apu) for his groveling apology for voicing a cartoon character. The Twitter dialog

1:26:16 Day 397 and food inflation, Intel report says 20 years of political unrest and humanitarian crises — a war like Afghanistan; it’s against the law to WEAR and mask and against the law to NOT WEAR a mask in Hong Kong

1:56:08 Indiana passes a bill declaring religious services are “essential”. Is this the right approach? Should churches settle for govt granted privileges or should they lead the fight for everyone’s human rights?

2:01:26 Johnson & Johnson “PAUSE”: A calculated propaganda effort to fight “vaccine hesitancy” — and it’s working say the polls

2:29:22 Artur Pawłowski: He escaped communism with his parents when he was a teenager. He arrived in Canada as a successful businessman. But here’s the backstory of what transformed him into the fearless guardian of the downtrodden that you saw in the viral video, throwing the “Covid cops” out of the church on Easter

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