Texas Micro Farms Garden Walk April 15, 2021

3 years ago

Well, it's "T day" and that ain't T for Trumpy. We have another month to file taxes. But this morning is a good day to put some more things out into the garden. It rained over night, and turns out it's going to rain all afternoon. But I have been really busy and checking on everything is something I must do a few times a week.

It's chilly today. And everything looks fabulous. We have onions, potatoes red, white, and blue. The collards and the kale are being eaten by the aphids but the seeds a giant. Wild flower, chives, banana grout, Silverbeet aka Swiss chard, blueberry, raspberry, live herbs, other spices, candy cane pepper, mint, artichoke, Mokum lettuce, crab grass, cut and come again lettuce, three corn project, seeds, red Russian kale, garlic, spinach, blackberry, poke weed, white mulberry, cosmos, asylum, squirrels, carnivore snails, tomato, green onion, bees, harden beds, radish, carrot, romaine, salad mixes, bind weed, broccoli, cabbage, lots of weeds and many other climbing things that aren't out yet.

So come on in and let's take a look at all the chemical free food growing at Texas Micro Farms.

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