Covid Part 5 of 6

3 years ago

The Truth As We The People See It by Kerri Scheetz
God Bless everyone that stepped up during this terrible pandemic. God Bless our healthcare providers, law enforcement, fire fighters, military, first responders, truck drivers, those in retail that waited on us, stocked shelves, etc. Gob Bless those that stepped up to help the elderly, sick, & families of healthcare workers.
I am not a doctor always consult with your medical professionals before taking advice of anything on my covid research. I am merely sharing my opinions & views with you all. I highly encourage you all to do your own research.
We must be our own advocate for what’s best for our bodies & the bodies of our loved ones. No two people are alike & everyone has their own beliefs & circumstances for their choices.
Whether you choose to wear a mask or take a vaccine is your choice. No one has the right to judge others & should be respectful & kind to all.
We should all come together to support one another! We survived this as a global effort, we’re stronger because of it.
My deepest condolences to everyone who lost a loved one to covid. My deepest condolences to everyone who lost a loved one to other circumstances, during the pandemic, and were unable to be by their side due to the covid restrictions. My heart goes out to you all.

*I always try giving credit where it’s due. I also like sharing their messages, directly from their mouths, so that I do not misinterpret their words & content. I encourage all to do your own research & come to your own conclusions. I do however encourage all to use discretion when doing searchers on human trafficking & satanic rituals. You may come across disturbing images & content! Do Not just take my word for it. I share this information with you as it has been represented to me. It is my hope that what they/I are sharing are facts, if they are not I apologize in advance. I can be contacted at I am only human & it’s possible I made mistakes. Hang in there with me! God Bless You All, K

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Part 5
Rothschilds Patented COVID-19 Biometric test in 2015 & 2017
Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns
Massive Spikes in Suicide Rates and Mental Health Crises up almost 900%
Uptick in Drug Overdoses and Substance Abuse up in some place as high as 200%
Economic Devastation Leads to Hunger up 25%
Surge in Domestic Violence Under COVID-19 Lockdowns up 30%
In the US, delays in screening and treatment are estimated to cause 250,000 additional preventable deaths of cancer patients each year.
Prof. Dolores Cahill Molecular Biologist & Immunologist: “We have never in the history of infectious disease quarantined healthy people. There is absolutely no need for lockdowns.”
Fact: shop assts. Touch every item incl money that you have touched & have not died as a result. There’s been no record of number of staff dying from Covid????
2021 after Biden is in office the number of cycles was cut down substantially WHY???
In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,” he said.
Peruvian court rules that Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller family “created” coronavirus pandemic
The document specifically names billionaire financier and globalist agitator George Soros, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, and the entire Rockefeller family as criminals who are guilty of “managing” and “continuing to direct” the virus straight into the “new world order.”
WH staff reporters “masks are useless”.
Fauci mask on for camera then he takes it off
Dr. Scott Jenson 5 mins

Judge Napolitano: Governments ‘Do Not Have The Authority’ To Mandate Mask-Wearing
Funny: Woman free choice no mask common sense
Mask information
Germany Study about kids & mask harmful side effects
Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’
COVID=Certificate Of Vaccine ID
6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020

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