The Double Warnings of Christ in Revelation

3 years ago

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There is no doubt that we are the last generation of the Church Age. And the closer we get to the end, the more we see exploding out of the woodwork, every kind of personal interpretation of the book of Revelation. Not to mention all the other books of prophecy that go together with it. Long ago it was only a very few scattered individuals that isolated some word from the book of Revelation and created a lying doctrine.

But now there are thousands of people who are claiming to have been given esoteric insight. Then they go out and lead people astray. They have dreams and visions they share on endless YouTube videos how the Lord showed them how this or that will happen. Though others who are proficient in solid eschatology, and show them what they are teaching is not in the Bible, they become irate and offended.

Even when it is shown to them by the living word that what they are teaching is in gross error, they become even more enraged. They say things like, "I do not care if it is not written in the Bible, I know what I saw and heard, and I know the voice of the Lord." The Book of Revelation is the Letter of Jesus Christ. It is meant to read and understood by the readers. Most especially those who are alive at this time. Because there has never been this much light on prophecy like never before and Satan knows it.

In the very last chapter of Revelation, Jesus ushers two grave warnings accompanied with great eternal loss about those who would take away, or add to the prophecy of "this book." "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

This very serious double warning is irrevocable and eternally horrifying. Be careful especially at this time who you are listening to and what you are believing is true. Because what you choose to believe is a lie will be the biggest monumental loss of time that will affect things in eternity "that God has prepared for them that love Him," and that keep His word and protect the purity of it.

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