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In Canada, Persecution of Christians Escalates

3 years ago

In this interview with The New American magazine's Senior Editor Alex Newman, Canadian commentator and Christian evangelist Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson explains that persecution against Christians and those who resist the transgender/LGBT agenda. It has now reached the point where parents can be jailed for not supporting their children's delusions about being the other gender and trying to resist irreversible medical "treatments." Meanwhile, pastors are being arrested, jailed, and threatened for continuing to hold services in the face of COVID19 restrictions put in place by government. This will be coming soon to America if Americans are not careful, the two warned.


  • 0/2000
  • This is so corrupt and disturbing. I don't feel like I'm living in the same world I knew just over a year ago. Patriots need to find various ways to get these truths out and we need to stand together against these sinister forces behind this.

  • I love listening to Laura-Lynn, so glad we have her.

  • That's horrible, Christians in the US should seriously consider giving Canadians political refugee status this would send a message And fight for this to never come in the US.

  • That's horrible, Christians in the US should seriously consider giving Canadians political refugee status this would send a message And fight for this to never come in the US.

  • so, have we stopped even asking how BIDEN STOLE THE ELECTION???

  • Someone needs to say this, so here we go: Not every transgender person is a head-spinning, Christian-hating Leftist. I am transgender, and I think what is going on in Canada, and in the US as well, is horrifying. Parents are the best people to make medical decisions for their minor children. Parents should not be punished if their belief-systems make recognition of the child's gender divergence impossible. It's true that parents with religious-based denial of their child's transgender status has led to suffering and suicide (see Leelah Alcorn). Nonetheless, the popular culture has over-compensated for this possibility. While parents do not always act with their child's best interests in mind, they are the parties most likely to do so -- not government, and not the children themselves. Standards for medical transitioning must be established and respected. Real conflicts, such as those where Jehovah's Witnesses have refused blood transfusions for their children, remain problematic; but, at least in those cases, the science is much harder. Gender, I suggest, is an objective reality that at present can only be verified subjectively (like love, the existence of the soul, etc.), and is therefore a much more tenuous basis for decision-making. Parents should be making these calls, and should not be punished for it.

  • This so called gender hopping is beyond crazy, beyond sick.

    1 like
  • its GROOMING, sexiully grooming children. thats the truth.

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