We thank our real heroes (Front liners)

3 years ago

To those providing essential services (doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health workers, soldiers, police officers, shop personnel, guards, cleaners and all those whose service is essential that they cannot stay home and thus serving as our first line of defense during this difficult time of novel coronavirus (Covid-19), We salute you for a great job you are doing. A duty to take on this enemy (Covid-19) and battle it to protect us and indeed the entire human race.
We have no fear of the Covid-19 spreading further or getting out of control because we have capable men and women on the front liners.

We are mindful of the great sacrifices you make every day, especially the health and medical personnel, who even go to the extent of quarantining themselves from their families in separate bedrooms and separate bathrooms as they try by all means to protect their loved ones as well.

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