Special Guided Meditation to heal Father Issues.

3 years ago

Many of us come from a trauma background and we are now on a journey of returning to wellness.

Guided meditation can be an important tool to help us heal faster, get out of a mess, depression or anxiety.

If your mind is racing all the time, your body will break down faster and you won’t get things done as easily.

You set yourself up for inflammation, or other issues like skin rashes, migraines, allergies, accidents etc.

Meditation practice can stop this destructive downward spiral.

Tonight I am sharing a guided meditation specifically to heal father issues.

Now you might not think that you have any, but before you decide that, check in with yourself if you are happy in your relationship with your significant other?

Or how are you with self-discipline? Or when it comes to leadership, do you step up easily?

How are you with authority figures?

If there are any glitches in these areas, you are sure to have issues below your veil of awareness, in your subconscious mind, where they are doing damage or limiting your life.

One of my clients had an extreme reaction after her father died.

She collapsed on the couch and started shaking.

She trembled and shook for days afterward.

He had been abusive and she hadn’t seen him for years.

She thought she had dealt with everything.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of the story, she got cancer not long after.

Thankfully she recovered and used meditation practice to help her through it.

Cancer actually takes many years to grow, sometimes decades, before it is diagnosable, and I am sure her father issues had been a big part of the problem.

So take some time now to relax, tune out (to ordinary life) and tune into my voice, as I guide you into a deeper, inner part of you where healing can take place easily.

You may need to repeat this meditation often if you suspect that you have father issues in your tissues, to speed up your return to peace, happiness, and perfect health.

Thank you for tuning in, and much love from the bottom of my heart, as always. Grada

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