Get your subconscious ON YOUR SIDE!

3 years ago

Your conscious mind is the goal setter

Your unconscious mind is the goal-getter.

It’s meant to go after it. How often have you set a goal or target for yourself, put your heart and soul into it, only to fail once more?

Imagine if you could easily reach your goal this time around… how awesome would that feel?

This week I’m inviting you to think of something you want for yourself.

Give yourself permission to choose something special, just for you.

Think about it for a while and write it down. Make it worthwhile.

Now we are going to get our subconscious on our side.

If we build up trust or rapport with our subconscious, it will change the course of our life!
So think of something you might have dreamt about for a while.

The difference between a dream and a goal is that a dream doesn’t have a time limit.

A dream can be broken down into smaller goals, stepping stones if you like, with a time frame.

An example could be: I dream of being fit, vibrant and slim.

You might even have a fleeting image of yourself running around effortlessly in your active gear, looking fitter than you did in your teens.

It turns into a goal when you say: I have released 5 kilos by the end of December 2019.

Our Unconscious mind loves it when we get very specific, it responds well to firm guidance.


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