Why Banks Can’t Lose - and Everyone Else Can’t Win | Rob Kirby

3 years ago

Proprietary analyst & founder of KirbyAnalytics.com, Rob Kirby, returns to Liberty and Finance to reveal how the Fed “forces” banks to accomplish Yield-Curve-Control (YCC) with a can’t-lose deal, at the expense of everyone else, including wage earners, savers, and retirees.

Rob also exposes the Bitcoin workaround China is using to flout US sanctions, driving an outsized surge in BTC transactions and price.

China Buying Oil with BTC
How The Fed/ESF Really Do YCC via Sweetheart Deal to Banks
Banks Can’t Lose - Everyone Else Will
How ZIRP Forces Savers & Retirees to Take Risk in the Market Casino
Mainstream Less Than Worthless - Leading Middle Class to Destruction​

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