Get to Know Your Fascia: The Iliotibial Tract aka The IT Band

3 years ago

In this video we learn about the IT band, another important fascia that most people in modern civilization are not getting the benefit of because they're making subconscious movements that slacken it. When fascia is limp, it cannot be relied on to do its job. Having a rational understanding of how the parts of your body work is essential to overcoming bad posture. So get to know your fascia: it's waiting there to provide you with support.

Initial Alexander Technique lessons are conducted one-on-one with a teacher over Zoom. They are designed to cultivate your ability to apply your rational mind to how you move. For more information about lessons you can visit my website or go straight to the creator of iAT, Jeando Masoero.

My website:

Masoero's website:

You can contact Masoero to set up lessons at:

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"The pebble virtually contains the spark, but we must know how to produce it. Thus the phenomena of nature contain luminous lessons, but we must know how to make them speak; and, what is more, understand their language."

François Delsarte

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