#156 Salary and Workload Research Your Worth

3 years ago

As employees of the corporate world, talking about how much we make, the perks of the jobs, and how much we work to get that payment is frowned upon. Employers don’t want the employees to know what the other person is getting paid. On many occasions throughout my career, a manager gives me a raise only to follow up by saying, please don’t tell anyone about how much you are making.

The goal for today’s interview is to eliminate all that. We talk to John Cook, the Senior Marketing Manager at Consensus, who did a lot of research into the subject. In 2020, he released the Sales Engineer Workload and Compensation Report based on this research.

Today, we chatted about the 2021 report that he is currently working on!

Selling Is Hard. Buying Is Harder: How Buyer Enablement Drives Digital Sales and Shortens the Sales Cycle by Garin Hess (affiliate link)

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