Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-10 Apr 2021-Blood Money 4 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-10 Apr 2021-Blood Money 4 By Anna Von Reitz

What happens when indentured servitude is not enough to pay the bills of the British Empire? The answer to that question came in 1933: slavery.
This was announced by FDR in his First Inaugural Address--- but again, in such veiled terms of art that the General Populace would never recognize his use of the word "consecration" in its religious context, nor his invocation of a "holy cause" either.
What he was telling us, was that the Brits were selling the Municipal citizens of the United States back to the Pope --- a message that went over the heads of the audience then, and still does today.
Among those Municipal citizens of the United States were all the United States Corporations that had been formed from 1870 to 1930, a "translation" which was arranged by another bit of legalese known as "the diversity of citizenship clause", which redefined and expanded the meaning of "US citizen" to include corporations.
This, too, is more international fraud, because the 1870 Corporations Act was fraudulent on the face of it. All corporations formed in this country ever since have been formed in our names, but without the authority to exercise our sovereign right to charter corporations. Thus, all the corporations and corporate "citizens", too, revert to our ownership, and once again, the Brits and Papists were busy buying, selling, and trading upon assets that never belonged to them, and exercising authorities never assigned to them.
Via the 1933 "New Deal" between our two foreign federal subcontractors, the Pope, acting in his secular guise as Pontiff, acquired Legal Title to all the US Corporations as well as the living, breathing Municipal citizenry --- the former plantation slaves, their progeny, the Federal Civil Servants, their dependents, and also any political asylum or welfare seekers.
Legal Title to people? That sounds like slavery, doesn't it? And so it is.
One of the gobsmackers well-hidden from rank and file Americans is that the Municipal Government never abolished slavery, and the Territorial Government enshrined slavery as a permanent part of its corporate "constitution" via the Bill of Attainder which they published as the Fourteenth Amendment.
In the years leading up to this, the excuse for it was that it was just a cozy little deal between the British King and the Pope designed to collect war reparations; after the 1930-33 round of bankruptcies, a new era of "glorious collusion" opened up, in which the Municipal (Papist) and Territorial (British) Subcontractors agreed among themselves to join forces under The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.

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