Template for Prosecution -- Part 1 April 9, 2021 y Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Template for Prosecution -- Part 1 April 9, 2021 y Anna Von Reitz

Among the many things we have learned is that the Clerk is the one responsible for the misadministration of the courts. Not the judges. Not the attorneys.

Most clerks are ignorant and do things by rote. They rely upon advice from State of State Attorney Generals, most of whom are also ignorant and doing things by rote, because "that's the way we've always done it". At each step and each role within the court system there is significant compartmentalization, which serves to ensure continued ignorance and misadministration.

The situation in Alaska described in our Public Corrective Notice and Demand may seem to be peculiar to us and to our State, but, however distinct each State's circumstance is, we can assure you that fundamentally similar fraud schemes and similar misadministration of justice has occurred in every State of the Union.

To address these travesties and ignorances, we have adopted both a top down and a bottom up strategy, which explains why our response nearly always involves two separate actions -- one to intervene and stop the immediate trespass, one to bring long term correction and relief.

The first action is always brought at the level of the court imposing upon a victim of the double-ended impersonation scheme our employees have contrived to fleece their employers. This is almost always an action addressing the Court Clerk in their capacity as the General Sessions Clerk, and involves a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN operated in the name of the victim.

The second action is brought in The United States District Court for Your State. This action is the systemic correction, the "Top Down" part of the solution, in which the Article 1 Administrative Court is invoked to provide discipline for the erring local and state-of-state franchise courts, and to provide damages as relief for the victims.

You might think that the sequence should be reversed, and that the second action should come first, and indeed, in real life, both actions have to be pursued in tandem. Typically, as the first court is inflicting the damage, the second court has to be invoked after the damage, but in a practical sense, the moment that you are trespassed upon by your wrong-headed and misdirected employees, damage has occurred, and you have the basis to present your initial claim of trespass to The United States District Court.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/04/template-for-prosecution-part-1.html

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