Mike Pompeo Vs. Tony Blinken: Treatment of Taiwan; CCP's 2003 Plan to "Cleanse America"

3 years ago

00:00 Intro: Epochtimes Hong Kong Print House Attacked 5th Time
02:29 Taiwan Met by Strategic Ambiguity, Something the US Loves to Do
15:04 Chinese General 2003 Speech: "Cleanse America" with Bioweapon

An old secret speech from 2003 surfaced again due to the insanely accurate nature of the plan. It details the need for a "cleaning" of America to create a second China. Does this indicate the current problem with the CCP virus?

Then a focused discussion on the term strategic ambiguity. A concept the American foreign diplomacy has adopted for too long. It's a harmful approach, that has been applied to Iraq, China, and Russia.

And, the Epochtimes print house in Hong Kong was attacked. Four masked perpetrators destroyed printing equipment and computer in an attempt to prevent independent media from reporting the dwindling democracy in Hong Kong. I wonder who is behind it?

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Mike Pompeo or Tony Blinken: Treatment of Taiwan; CCP's 2003 Plan to "Clean America" with Bioweapon

#EpochTimesPrinting #TaiwanInvasion #CCPVirus
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