Enoch Comes with Divine Justice and Mercy

3 years ago

https://www.heartscenter.org - Enoch came to earth long ago to challenge the fallen angels who were doing evil deeds and this is continuing even now. Today he comes to anchor the ideal of divine justice and judgment, as well as mercy and compassion on the Earth. He brings God's judgment descending on the Nephilim, the godless ones, and those who have sworn enmity with God. The beings who have caused evil, especially to the children, whether from the astral plane or in embodiment, are called before a cosmic council for judgment. These are the fallen angels and those who do their evil, particularly where they have participated in abortion, child and sex trafficking, in creating pharmaceutical drugs such as vaccines that harm children, and in the Marxist education and indoctrination of the youth. These injustices may not continue and all involved are standing trial before this cosmic council. Enoch reminds us to maintain a high vibration of light and love to offset the darkness and help the Earth to ascend.
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