Why ( poem by Patriotic Poet )

3 years ago


Why such manipulation
what’s the agenda here
Will any of it matter
while you rule with fear

Why make us ill
kill off mankind
Psychopaths ruling
you’re out of your mind

Why such divisions
what’s the purpose there
Such Indifference unwarranted
why don’t you care

Why such greed
have you no heart
A soulless creation
love sets us apart

Why tell us lies
such ill gotten gains
For gold and money
no compassion remains

Why are you better
than any of us
Could you be wrong
you make such a fuss

Why all the planning
and death for so many
Are you that ill
that you need every penny

Why so much evil
whom do you serve
Harm unto others
takes some nerve

Why such malice
is it your master you please
Will soon destroy you
it’s part of the disease

Patriotic Poet

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