Don't Worry About Forgiving | Stop Worry and Anxiety

3 years ago

Forgiveness is the most impactful skill we can ever learn to ensure our marriage and relationship success!

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Growing up, I saw my parents hating the people who upset and hurt them, including each other, which stemmed from their unforgiveness towards them. That’s all I ever saw, so I ended up believing unforgiveness was the only option I had. I thought forgiving meant the other person was right to do what they did, and I deserved it.

But when I started my inner healing journey and I realized I had to forgive my abusive parents from the heart, it wasn’t as difficult to do as it was to realize I had to forgive my husband, too. Not just for what he had done, but on a daily basis.

In my attempts to get better before I met Jesus, I learned that sharing our feelings is the healthy thing to do, so when the Bible says that as a wife, I am to respect my husband and do the right thing so that he might be won without a word, that was difficult for me.

But the reality kept proving the Truth of the Bible, and the lie of the enemy, so I had to keep practicing doing the right thing, until I broke free from my codependency and my fear of forgiving!

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and I hope it encourages you to start taking the necessary steps to turn to God first, and to permanently get rid of any worry or anxiety influencing you today! Because getting rid of such emotional garbage will help us to not only be able to feel loved by others in whatever love language they may be speaking, but it will help us to be able to be more loving towards them in all the love languages, and therefore be successful in all areas of our lives!

God bless you, abundantly!!

✅ Don’t Worry about Your Marriage:

✅ Don’t Worry about Other People:

✅ How to stop worrying:

✅ How to stop being anxious:

✅ How to be thankful:

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