There IS NO COVID Vaccine!

3 years ago

On the video title: MRNA sequence is a medical device NOT a vaccine.

Only a political slight of hand back in October 2020 changing verbiage allowed this device to slide through the cracks disguised as a vaccine.

They DO NOT create immunity NOR prevent transmission. Wait what? you heard me.

What we have in an experimental biological gene therapy immune modulatory injection. We are injecting people with a synthetic sequence of nucleic acid. MRNA trials in mammals have led to cancers and auto-immune diseases 6-12 months later.

Dr Ryan Cole owner of largest diagnostic labs in Idaho explains hurdles to early treatment for covid19, vitamin d supplementation as essential and ivermectin (March 5, 2021)

Mayo Clinic certified pathologist
Expertise in Immunology
Expertise in Virology
Skin cancer diagnostics
Over 350,000 patients in his career
100,000 covid19 tests in the past year

Needless to say this discussion is in his wheelhouse!

Here are some of my notes and comments about what I took from the video. Please do not quote the doctor from my text before you verify his exact words. :) I could have made a mistake. :)

We are no longer in a Pandemic. We are in an endemic. Is the disease present yes, widespread ? no

If you are not vitimin D deficient you will not die from COVID-19. You can not have a cytokine storm.

Cytokine storm:
During a cytokine storm, various inflammatory cytokines are produced at a much higher rate than normal. This overproduction of cytokines causes positive feedback on other immune cells to occur, which allows for more immune cells to be recruited to the site of injury that can lead to organ damage.

If you are vitamin D deficient you are immune suppressed and as such are susceptable to the common cold, sars, mers, flu, corona virus, bacterial pnuemonia etc

Above or below the 35th parallel, for 4-5 months out of the year (oct-mar - fall and winter), you cannot synthesize Vit D through the skin


Vitamin D + Magnesium + Zinc defiecient

D is a fat soluable vitamin - The heavier set you are the more it goes into the fat rather than your circulation to stimulate your immune system.


Normal D level reduce colon cancer rates, breast cancer rates, thryroid cancer rates, depression rates, suicide rates. (8 out of the 10 highest suicide rate states are northern states above 35th parallel.

Normal D levels decrease your COVID symptom severity and risk for hospitalization by 90%. World data.

vit D is a Pro Hormone


The further north you are and the darker your skin is the harder it is to synthisize D from sunshine.

10:35 App called D-minder

10:48 Esteemed Dr Fauci "I take 8-9000 units of Vitamin D in the winter."


If there is a treatment for a disease the federal government cannot approve a vaccine! By Law! By Rule!
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) co-own the patent on the corona "Vaccine" with Mederna!! Wait what!!
THat's right the government is defending a product and a private company that they are in monetary partnership with for a product that they want everyone to have. They DO NOT WANT a therapy/treatment to work because they want to push the vaccine.


(remdesivir) Veklury is ONLY effective before a virus reaches maximal replication. So save your $3000 unless you are in day 1 or 2 of your covid infection. After this time remdesivir will benefit the pharmacutical company far more than it will benefit you. $$$$

Convelescent Plasma and monoclonal antibodies are also ONLY effective in the first 1 - 2 days!

Ivermectin is a molecule. It is an anti-parasitic. Amazingly it is effective against viruses. August last year it killed Corona virus 99.9% in petri dish study. NIH recomended against it because they would lose money in their moderna deal. They tested in a way to skew the data to their $$$ benefit.

15:30 4 BILLION 4,000,000,000 people have taken this medication since the 1980s. This is a longtime approved medication, not some experimental rna juice. This medication is on the worlds safest and most essential drug list page 6 (

Ivermectin is a Nobel prize winning generic drug on the WHO's Essential Drugs list. Endorsed by FLCCC (authors of MATH+ protocol) for prophylaxis, mild, moderate, severe (ICU) COVID-19. And anecdotally for a subset of long haulers. Originally used as anti-parasitic (worms, river blindness), now recognized as broad anti-viral, anti-bacterial, with potential as chemotherapy adjuvant for cancer. Used over 40 years (3.7B doses), has been considered for mass administration for malaria by the WHO.

16:05 hospitals that have used this have reduced death rates by 70-90%

16:36 FDA approved for Covid? No. Why most trials are overseas. That begs the question of Phizer since there FDA approval is based on overseas trials. Smell that money? FDA Hypocracy.

17:25 It must cost a fortune tho right? No $0.02 !!! Entire province in India distributed blister packs for every citizen and they are back to normal life.

of course in the US it's $5 but still works just as well and covers all variants.

100% of the world trials have shown benefit! 100%
Symptom reduction and noticable recovery in 12 - 48 hours.

MRNA sequence is a medical device NOT a vaccine. Verbage slight of hand back in October 2020 is the only thing that allowed this device to slide through the cracks disguised as a vaccine. They DO NOT create immunity NOR prevent transmission. Wait what? you heard me.

What we have in an experimental biological gene therapy immune modulatory injection. We are injecting people with a synthetic sequence of nucleic acid. MRNA trials in mammals have led to cancers and auto-immune diseases 6-12 months later. Long term safety data is not there. 50% of healthcare providers are absolutely NOT getting this injection. They don't trust the data. There were no independent groupd looking at the data. It was all in house. Smell that $$$

(This video is captured here in anticipation of anti-social media cancel culture)

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