W.T.Frick LIVE w/ David Weiss

3 years ago

W.T.Frick LIVE Emily Menshouse and Greg Ludwig WELCOMES....
The Flat Earth Guy ... David Weiss to the show!!!! I love his comment, "We are at the center of creation."

"I don’t want to be a flat Earther,” David Weiss says, his voice weary as he reflects on his personal awakening. “Would you wake up in the morning and want everyone to think you’re an idiot?”

But Weiss is a flat Earther. Ever since he tried and failed to find proof of the Earth’s curve four years ago, he’s believed with an evident passion that our planet is both flat and stationary – and it’s turned his world upside down."

To keep up with David Weiss please check out his website:

#theflatearth #flatearth #conspiracy #facts #rabbithole #earth #creation

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