US State Motto Mosaic

3 years ago

I put together a speech about America using all the state mottos and some of the state nicknames. I also put in a nod to Guam and the North Mariana Islands because, unfortunately they don't have mottos.
Here is the transcript:

The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness (HI). If you seek a pleasant peninsula (MI), or big skies (MT) or an enchanted island (PR), look about you (MI) for you have found it (CA). There is no better country on Earth.

By the sword we sought peace, but peace only under liberty (MA). We dared to defend our rights (AL) and by valor and arms (MS) we were founded. Founded in friendship (TX), founded in hope (RI), founded in equal rights (WY), to ensure equality before the law (NE) and justice for all (DC) men. Formerly we were united in liberty and prosperity (NJ), and in pride and hope (Virgin Islands), but something happened to our state sovereignty and national union (IL). Our union, our justice, our confidence (LA) have been broken.

Through our virtue, liberty, and independence (PA) we have said to the world, I lead (ME). But what and whither do we lead now? We have cried out ‘Forward!’ (WI) but forward to where? Is our bearing toward the star of the north (MN), to the future (AK)? Do we lead with strong deeds and gentle words (MD), or are we led by the ecstasy of gold and silver(MT)?
If thus always to tyrants (VA), does thus become us?
One sows for the benefit of another age (ND) but we do not sow (Greyjoys). We smash the seeds and salt the earth.

At the Crossroads of America (IN) united we stand, and divided we fall (KY) and we are certainly divided.
And in our disunity, we have forgotten something, something crucial. We have forgotten to let God be first (Samoa). The people rule (AR) this land, but it is under God the people rule (SD). If in God We Trust (FL), then with God all things are possible (OH).
God enriches (AZ) the spirit of the nation, and she flies with her own wings (OR), given or granted, there is Nothing without providence (CO).
Let us be grateful to God (KY).
For He who transplanted still sustains (CT) us.

Let it be perpetual (ID) this Union, this country made of us and by us and for us.
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law (MO).
Let there be Liberty and Union now and forever one and inseparable (ND).
Let there be Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation (GA)

We grow as we go (NM), and we have made mistakes that can never be undone. But we can be better.
We can foster again our liberty and independence (DE), our freedom and unity (VT).
Through industry (UT), through agriculture and commerce (TN), labor conquers all things (OK).
By and by (WA) we shall continue our journey, ready for all challenges, ready in soul and resource (SC).

But it is to be rather than to seem (NC) that is the challenge.
While I breathe, I hope (SC), and I breathe still.
Americans, show me (MO) who you are.

We are rough riders (ND), we are Mountaineers (WV), and Graniteers (NH), we are Hoosiers (IN) and Tar Heels (NC), we are Buckeyes (OH) and Quakers (PA). We are Hawkeyes (IA) and Jayhawks (KS) and Muskrats (DE) and Maineiacs (ME). We are Trolls and Uppers (MI), Hampshiremen (NH), Okies (OK), and Cheeseheads (WI). And we are they who still know that John is his name (PR).
Our liberties we pride and our rights we will maintain (IA), like the Mountaineers who are always free (WV). We too, will give all for our country (NV), we too, will live free or die (NH).

We go forever West (WY), to West by God (WV), ever and forever to the last frontier (AK). May the lone star (TX) and may the fourteenth star shine bright (VT) in our journey, ever upward (NY), we go to the stars through adversity (KS).

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