Woke Corps. vs. Free Secure Elections

3 years ago

Americans 4 Freedom  vs. American Globalists 
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The last two weeks has of American Corporations siding with the Socialists in favor of Open Voting and calling anyone who disagrees with them Racists demonstrates to most just how much they want to Transform America into Socialism and growth around the World.

When UPS, Coke, Chase, American Express, Ben & Jerry’s, Delta Air, M&TBank, Nordstrom, Walmart, Verizon, Starbucks, PepsiCo, MasterCard, B of A, Chase, and others stated they didn't support the New Laws that actually expanded Voting in Georgia rather than restricted them so they'd appear to be on the side with the Woke and Worldwide Socialist movement, these Companies must believe that they can say anything to gain favor with the Socialist movement taking place in American Politics. I suggest all of you follow this link to the remainder of companies listed and see if you do business with them: ( https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/546160-leaders-from-these-companies-oppose-georgias-new-voting-law, and if you discover you do then I suggest you find other companies in the U.S. to move your business to as Jean & I are doing one at a time.

I really not surprised by the Actions of these and other companies both pvt. and public as they're more concerned about their so called Socialist Image than being True to the U.S.A. that gave them the Freedoms they all needed to even go into business, as without the Foundation of Our God Granted Rights which gave them their Freedoms laid out in the U.S. Constitution none of them would ever have been able to achieve the success they have anywhere else in the World, however they've betrayed the Sacred Trust laid out in the Very Foundation of Our Nation, and now must be rewarded by those of US who still Value Our God Granted Rights.

These Companies and more make Billions selling to China and Exporting from China, and China has No Free Open Elections, practices Slavery, Indoctrination, Forced Abortion and more and these Major American Corporations Stay Silent in Fear of Losing $$$$$$, they're All Hypocrites and only care about making money and large Bonuses for the Board etc., time we Boycott All of Them as well and Stop Buying Chinese Imports wherever & whenever possible.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however by what has taken place in the past years and presently in DC is proving that is no longer true, unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall?

You can also find us on Rumble, MeWe, Codias, FB, Gab, Parler, and of course our website: VansCrossroads.com as we reach out to new sources and insure against being blocked by the Socialist Media Giants. Keep US in Your Prayers as we continue the Fight against Socialism in the U.S. & AZ.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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