Say No To Liberalism - Banning Trump

3 years ago

25 Reasons To Dislike Liberals

Is every liberal an immoral, nasty tempered, habitual liar who accuses people of racism for fun and trashes his own country because he thinks it makes him look sophisticated? Of course, not! On the other hand, is that a fairly accurate description of most liberals in politics? Yes, it is. Most of them aren't evil per se, but as Margaret Thatcher said,

"Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seems to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag."

Liberals view themselves as good people because they're liberals. People who are outside of that ugly little bit of circular reasoning don't have such a benign view of their horrible behavior. So, what reason could you have to dislike liberals?

10 Reasons Covid-19 is a Socialist Takeover
Regardless of your views of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is one thing you should be even more concerned about. It is the response to the corona virus by government leaders.

Karl Marx listed 10 steps needed to transform a free enterprise system into a socialist/communist system with an omnipotent government. If we look at the responses to Covid-19, by politicians, it is very clear that many of them are following these ten steps.

Biden’s vaccine-passport plan ‘expected in Socialist and totalitarian countries’

Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth (R-AL) is speaking out after reports surfaced Monday that President Joe Biden’s administration is working on a national COVID-19 vaccine-passport program.

Through the potential program, proof of vaccination could be required for international travel or for entry into sports arenas, music venues, restaurants and more. CNN reported that vaccine passports could also be required to return to in-person work.

Facebook bans 'voice of Trump' from platform

Facebook has removed a video of former US President Donald Trump from the page of his daughter-in-law Lara Trump.

The social media giant banned Mr Trump from its platform in January following riots by his supporters on the Capitol building in Washington.

Lara Trump, a new Fox News contributor, posted a video of herself interviewing Mr Trump on a range of issues.

She later posted a screenshot of an email she received from Facebook warning her of the ban

NRA Memberships Spike as Droves of Americans Reject Democrat Gun Control

NRA memberships are surging as Americans across the country reject the Democrats’ efforts to restrict the Second Amendment via gun control.

Breitbart News spoke with the NRA’s Andrew Arulanandam on Sunday and he indicated the civil rights organization has been “gaining 1,000 new members a day since January, from online signups alone.”

Gun industry prepares for a surge in demand after back-to-back mass shootings

After mass shootings in Boulder and Atlanta that killed 18 people in the span of a single week, lawmakers are once again calling for stricter gun regulation in America. The gun industry is already preparing for a surge of sales.
"When you hear more calls for firearm restrictions, we have observed gun sale increases primarily from people buying before they're not able to," said Rob Southwick, founder of the market research firm Southwick Associates.
Canadians must stand up against ‘unacceptable’ rise in anti-Asian racism

Canada is not an outlier from the horrific recent spikes in violent hate crimes against members of the Asian communities both at home and abroad, and Canadians must step up as allies in the face of racism.
In an interview with The West Block‘s Mercedes Stephenson, Mary Ng — minister of small business, export promotion and international trade — said she is worried by the “unacceptable” rise in violence against Asian-Canadians, and the fear so many are feeling as a result.

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