TINLA 124: Newcastle Art Gallery Pledges Short Version - Ward 3 By Election

3 years ago

One of the things people were pledging to was to get the former Lord Mayor's wife a job... (pledging to restore a position that was merged with another due to apparent corruption/mismanagement of funds - that Cathy Tate - wife of former Lord Mayor John - and from memory is the lady at the start inducing people to make what I will call an illegal pledge... so Mrs Tate was the number 1 candidate to get...
http://gofundme.com/f/covid-directions-and-lockdown-court-challenge/ court fundraiser.
This is the Shortened Version of the Newcastle Art Gallery Redevelopment Pledge. The longer version includes pledges and speeches from Declan Clausen, Navenka Bareham, Allan Warren, & Kath Elliott, as well as myself, Arjay Martin. This video also related the the Newcastle City Council, Ward 3, By Election - to be held on 21 February 2015. I am an Independent and stand in the centre. The Council is made of 2 voting blocs of 6 people in each.

The Council cannot afford this development at this stage, and is already begging the State Government (IPART) to demand a 50% (App.) Special Variation Rate Rise over 5 years.

Two of the other Candidates are supposedly against such a large Rate Rise, yet then signed away 10s of millions of dollars away at the stroke of a pen. That is a crazy contradiction and presumably done to 'buy a few votes' for the Artist Special Interest Group.

I am the one Candidate who stood against this economic insanity and mismanagement. This is what happened when I refused to sign the pledge.

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http://gofundme.com/f/covid-direction... court fundraiser.
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For anyone repeating the information that I discovered, please credit me and refer people back to his video. Thank you.

If you want to license my footage please contact me about purchasing it ;) I currently peg my rates / terms to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation / ABC Archive rate card; (unilateral contract with a waiver on notice of acceptance).

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