RHINOCEROS Animals For Kids,

3 years ago

Rhinos. Big strong Bhinos have long horns on their noses.
They are the second langest land mammal, Only olephants are bigger!
Did gon know? Rhino is short for Rhinoceros. And. the word Rhinoceros means "Hose Horn.
Rhinos live in groups caled a ChASH or HEBD, in Africa and Asia.
What do would think a TOUCH looking Rhino might eat Wilderdoast, magbe? Hoo! Blinos are herbivores. Which moans theg graze on grass and small vegetation! Ghomp Chomp Chomp
Can you see their thick wrinkly skin? lf's so thick it acts to protect them! And their horns arce made of a material, which verg similar to gour hair or fingor vails!
Yonng hhinos or CALVES are very eute. Theg also hare small horns and love to jump around.
Would gon like to see a wild Rhino? Me too. We will all have to do our best to look after them!

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