3 years ago

A song I wrote in memory of the CHAZ (June 8, 2020 - July 1 2020)


Welcome to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Where all humans are welcome except white people and Andy Ngo
To help out our cause there's some things you could bring
Just the bare essentials and, maybe a couple of other things

Batteries, flashlights
Lawn chairs, zip ties
Plates and napkins
Plywood, safety pins
Sunscreen, sunshades
Men's clothes, Gatorade
Cigarettes, lighters
volunteer firefighters
Tables and tents and
plastic storage bins
Bandaids, Styrofoam
minutes for my tracfone
vegan frankfurters and
pillows and comforters
Condoms, cumrags
body wash, body bags

Come get your children, they're running amok
They had free water and power and still they're shit out of luck
Respect all wamen, except the ones that got raped
If the perp's skin is brown, it's a non-crime we tolerate

Just one week in and they had to change the name
To Disorganized Grabass Tribal Art Fair That Went Insane
We still seek donations to pay off the thugs
Who took over we need food ammo and drugs

and some
Kickballs, Sleeping bags
silverware, foam pads
Scented candles
Red Bull and Solar panels
Soda and coffee
Walkie talkies
Planters, note cards
A few less retards
coolers, metal racks
sharpies, thumb tacks
fake cash registers
fuel and generators
bring us pizza
If you don't mind,
with plenty of Ice
but just the good kind

These fucking Commies they never learn a thing
Except how much they depend on Capitalism for everything
All Cops Are Bastards but a Warlord is tops
Where all Black Lives Matter but those kids that you shot

All said and done, I'm glad that they tried
To have a summer of love; marked by sex crimes and homicide
It's not easy, now is it, to be in control but
A rousing success as far as Socialist States go

Long live the CHAZ
All hail the CHOP
Abolish the Police
And then create the Cops

Long live the CHAZ
All hail the CHOP
"Oh you're still alive?"
Snap crackle pop

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