To Police Associations re: Law & Order Episode #15

3 years ago

Myself & Patriots support your Association's goals as you know them to be. What was & can be told/educated to Police Associations and those who dare to know more regarding how they got conned and/or defrauded.

It is like what past comedian George Carlin alluded to: There is a ‘club’ and [you end up in it unless you make solid records that] YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER. This “Club” is the continuation of the [Satanic Empire’s] corrupting “Club”-of-Roman that nailed-up Christ.

There is no point in attempting/wasting your energy on changing The Evil System. It gets only stronger the more you expel your Time & energy on It. You become part of it by ‘playing-the-game’ (If only by association). It is a rigged system (corrupted by being based on debt). It wants/must have more blood. The only answer is to GET out: “Come OUT of her My People!”

It is like we are living in an episode from the TV “Twilight” series, where the huckster/con-man comes to the country town and sells a pharmacological elixir-potency or to cover an expense account for a program to bring back the Sun after a total eclipse. Except in this Time and country the ‘city folk’ are the more easily fooled into believing cow farts and internal combustion engines are causing the Sun’s activity (Solar holes & also loss of Sun Spots) to alter, when it is cyclic in nature.
Those with faulty models of the Universe & human vaccine immunity are the ones who are causing the troubles due to their lack of intelligence, as they can only rely on business models that make the Corporation more [fake/indebting] money. In a corporation rank is gained by how much one sticks to the program/model and makes no waves, no matter how faulty it is realized! It is the reason the ol’ tale was repeated to kids regarding ‘The Emperor has no clothes on.”

Corporate ‘by-the-book’ idiots are running the One World Order along with faulty programmed algorithms (& A.I.), because those are the ones who have gained the highest rank & cannot recognize a faulty model, and if they do, they have absolutely no ability to fix it. Do I dare say?: “Fauci!”

Those who are ThePowersThatBe are the ones who are causing the devastating consequences to our physical world, including our atmosphere, and spiritual survival.

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