Part 1 of 2 - In the Garden of My Heart; A tour to our garden

3 years ago

May God bless you and keep you blessed family. This is Rainbow and I would like to welcome to In the Garden of My Heart.
Today on In the Garden of My Heart I would like to share with you a beautiful experience I had with Jesus when I first got saved, following up on the progress that has been made since then. A while back mother Clare did messages on dwelling in the garden of our hearts with Jesus and creating a place where Jesus can rest, have peace and spend time with you. I wanted to give you all a tour of our sanctuary where Jesus and I spend most of our time together, and how it all began and developed.
Before I begin, I feel the need to address something. I want to acknowledge that I am not special or better than any one of you. The only thing that makes me special is the fact that I am the only me that God has ever created, but aside from that I am the most unworthy of the bunch. My sins are like the depths of the ocean and I am just a simple servant of God who is trying slowly, but surely, to make my way into heaven as you are. God has chosen the least likely person to experience this, let alone be sharing this with you. And the reason why I am telling you this is because if He can share with me things like these, an undeserving nobody, a total nothing, scum of the earth even—then He can do it for someone so unique and as awesome and amazing as you are. So, I just wanted to encourage you not to feel like you don’t measure up or that Jesus would never come to someone like you because He just might surprise you. You see, there are no boundaries to His love. His love is always overflowing and everlasting and he is more than willing to forgive you of your sins and heal you with his love. It says in Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” His love is unfailing, everlasting and forever alive! (Can I please have any Amen!)
When my relationship with Jesus first began, we often met in a beautiful green landscape area. It was very grassy and peaceful, with a slope at the far corner near the top. At the peak of the slope there was a lake glowing majestically in the distance. In the middle of the grassland area there was a tall and very healthy cedar tree with a few patches of wild flowers growing all around. Jesus and I spent most of our time there, aside from going on adventures.
(I would like to apologize for any noise in the background. Being a full-time mother and wife is not the easiest thing and it doesn’t exactly help to record in peace. So, you may hear noises in the background... I do apologize).
When I first started using my sanctified imagination I couldn’t hear very well or taste. The only thing I could do was see myself doing things, but I didn’t feel myself doing it. There are times when I would be sensing myself doing things in the spirit with Him but couldn’t see anything at all. There were also times where I knew what I was doing but it was blurry when I tried to see it.
My first year with Jesus and heaven adventures were very awkward, but quite amazing. It’s the feeling you get when you are getting to know someone for the first time. It’s just, this person is the opposite gender and you happen to think that they are very handsome and very mesmerizing to look at. You are so fascinated with the new surroundings because it’s new to you but it’s quite awkward that you secretly have a thing on the person you are exploring with, even though you have not gotten to know him/her yet! I remember back then—and I still do— I when I couldn’t look Him in the eyes or even His face because, I would be so... mesmerized! So taken aback by His love. It was something that could make anybody faint. Every time I did, I turned like a red tomato and felt like running away because I could not contain my feelings. In fact, I believe for the first year or two we had not had a long conversation with each other because I was shy and terrible at hiding my feelings. But He was gentle and waited for me to get comfortable. And, then we spoke, after a very, very long time. My experiences with Jesus were few and far between for about two years and a half because I was in the world and did not love Him enough to make time for Him. I don’t think I cared much either.
When I started to take it seriously or at least take HIM seriously—or try—we had created together a little loft on the cedar tree where we would sit and just relax. The cedar tree turned into an oak tree later on, by the way. Till this day it is my favorite tree and on that very same tree sits our treehouse!
A couple months of adventures and meeting there had past when one faithful day that space turned into a garden blocked around with green garden walls. But it was locked. When I got to the gate, I was presented by Jesus with a golden key. This key was shaped like a heart, with a sapphire gem at the top. I took the key and opened the gate. Surprisingly—yet not surprisingly—it was quite empty, not much to see there at all. In my hopes of making it better I instantly run off and began creating, just to make the place look good or at least comfortable. I divided it into four sections, which I kept in my new Upgrade, after which I added a golden walkway in the middle of the garden vertically. From that, I added horizontal walkways to show that the garden had been divided. I added benches, flowers of many colors, a waterfall and a simple treehouse from the cedar tree. There was a back entrance that led to the lake nearby.
Now, let’s call that garden upgrade ‘Garden 1.0’ because it did not last long at all. In fact, I believe I had so many upgrades, I think I lost count! I mean, one time there was an ice-skating ring, there was a huge waterslide, there was a pool. There was a movie area! There was a gazebo! I believe there was a secret underground tunnel!— ...I had fun! Let’s just say I overdid it, and I had fun. And He was patient through it all.
Strangely enough though, as I grew with Jesus and our bond became stronger, so did that garden improve. I had not really asked Jesus for help to create it but felt like I could do it on my own. Like some of us do... But sometimes we end us slowing down and realize that we really need help. When I gave Him free-rein to takeover and change where He can—He did. I would enter into the garden many times and see Him tending to it, keeping it clean and making it better. It would always be well kept and like new when He was there. What I did not realize was that He made that garden His home. A place where he wishes to reside, relax. A place where He wishes to be forever.
After many upgrades and growth in myself later, I present to you the Garden of not “my” but “our” heart, that is to say Jesus’s and mine.

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