Gary Blacklock

3 years ago

Discussions from the UK with Gary Blacklock virus masks vaccines

HERE IS THE ELIXER MADE BY GARY BLACK LOCK: 1 orange + peel 1/2 grapefruit + full peel 2 litres of tonic water with quinine 5 PQQ supplement (quinine capsules) 5 zinc capsules 4 vitamin D3 capsules Please note that many supplements on the market are corporate or pharmaceutical produced and are generally filled with other chemicals r fillers (poor quality) Look for natural resources or small family run businesses/local ma and pop shops you trust Preparation: Slice and Peel all fruit add tonic water add and mix supplements cover and put on med heat Bring to boil and simmer for 2-3 hrs cool off and make sure you split into 5 separate daily drinks add more tonic for tast3 per drink as it can be a strong citrus taste. Provided by Gary Blacklock Thank You Gary

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