The Gospel of Endurance

3 years ago

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The end of a race is typically the hardest and most excruciating part. That is when the real understanding of what endurance means. This present body of Christ is now entering into the endurance segment of the "race marked out for us." If you have spent any time at all in the word of God, you will see that there is a beginning and an end. We are at the end. As a Christian body in the U.S. we have put our hope and trust in worldly institutions and governments, even religious bodies, and leaders. Even in people around us more than in the arm of the Lord.

We are fast tracking into a time swiftly coming that will try each one of God's people to see who their trust has been in all along. Yes they can confess that their trust in the Lord right now while there is freedom to come and go as believers. However, those freedoms are going to be taken away, and hatred for Christianity will take its place. The soft and easy places will no longer be existent, at least not for the true believer. The one who has been long enduring with the Lord.

I think that the whole principle of enduring has been unbalanced in my opinion. Because the common thought is that the believer has to do more, be more, show for more. But they do it in a carnal perspective with a spiritual twist. They think that enduring is something they do like exercising for a marathon. THEN they win the prize.

No it is not that at all. You see it is what endures forever in Jesus Christ. In His name, goodness, righteousness, mercy, throne and all that He has done on the cross, that endures continually and forever. It is going to take great endurance in these final days, and what is coming will demand great strength of faith in God's word implanted in your heart. Which is where you love Him. Seeing that we are to "inherit a Kingdom that endureth forever" very soon, let us run our race with patience, enduring our cross, for He who promised is faithful because He endures forever.

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