Important Message - Mark of The Beast

3 years ago

Be on alert, for now is the time!

Luke 9:24-25 KJV — For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?

The devil, who is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), wants to destroy any portion of independence we may have so that we rely compeltely on the Beast New World Order system for all our needs. This is not about COVID protection but to steal our rights, our freedom, our livelihood, our relationship with God, as well as our souls if we go along with the NWO Antichrist agenda (Revelation 13-14).

Great Reset Soon!

Time is very short, what we do here and now will decide our eternal destination. Choose wisely, many will be left behind after Jesus takes His remnant Christian believers up. Choose today, do not wait! You can also leave this printout for friends and family.

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

Final Moments!!

Rapture is soon!!
- 1 Corinthians 15:52
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16
- Revelations 3:10


Prophetic Dream (Acts 2:17)

I encourage you to watch this video in full if you have the time, although, I will present to you what I believe is pertinent to this article.

In this video below, recorded in May 2000 by the Prophecy Club in the USA, Ken Peters as born again Christian reveals a prophecy he had in the 1980s before he was saved from the Religion of Catholicism. In early 1980, he went to sleep and had a dream begin with a very loud horn which could be a reference to the rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (11 min mark). He indicates that after the rapture (13-19 min mark), he was left behind for the 7 year tribulation. Mass hysteria hit the earth and people were hit with despair and chaos - globally.

Then he saw all of the media devices (tvs, phones, radios, pcs) in people's homes were shut down for a couple weeks (21 min mark). Many people were asking what happened to the raptured people and seemed hopeless. Ken then talks about how he believes the LORD him to an EMP attack article (24-28 min mark) and how that could have caused the 2 week electronics shut down.

Lawlessness and fear permeated the land then broadcasts came over radio and TV and the AntiChrist appeared on stage to speak and broadcast to the masses with a powerful charisma (28 min mark). Then the AntiChrist spoke of world peace the New World Order (Revelation 13-14), yet this was a false peace. At staggering rates, people were buying his agenda and New World Order as a solution (29-34 min mark).

Ken showed some black military vehicles he saw in his dream as well as soldiers in black with baby blue hats and baby blue helmets. They had on-board computers to look up IDs (54-60 min mark). This sounds very much like the United Nation soldiers of today. Ken then talks about the cameras knowing where all the vehicles were. This sounds like the facial recognition cameras of today, specifically the 4000 in San Diego. The freedoms of the USA were stripped away and the AntiChrist agenda was undisputed. The UN soldiers knew exactly where Ken and his wife was (54-60 min mark). There was a peaceful Martial Law in place (104 min mark) and they knew everyone's where abouts.

It seems after the rapture, the UN soldiers were linked into a global database that utilized the surveillance technology and information referenced in this Beast System expose article.

Ken said he saw peoples devices were monitoring people in their homes and sending it to the AntiChrist Government (106 min mark). Even if the Television was shut off.

Ken said that a man asked him if he had recieved the "identification mark" which first started as a voluntary mark. He described a sunburst logo on a hand and the guy said that people would not have to use their "credit cards" anymore (121-125 min mark). This sounds like the vaccine and RFID microchip implant that allows for wireless payments and is voluntary at the moment. Ken was then led to Revelation 13:16 confirming it was the Mark of the Beast.

Later in the dream, the Government picked him and other Christians up and told them to renounce Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. They knew his name and everything about them in the dream probably through the Beast System network and surveillance databases (133 min mark). They tried to use mind control interrogation to persuade them into their agenda and it was very difficult to resist. A huge man had a shriner sword with a hood mask and was beheading people who would not renounce their faith (138 min mark).

Ken Peters - Tribulation Dream

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