You Are Not Lazy

3 years ago

Many of us have often heard from often well meaning usually well meaning parents teachers and others that we are lazy. There may be some people who act in a lazy way because they are ignorant of what they are designed to do. We are all different. We have different God-given talents. The key is to get in line with those talents and continue to hone them. So often though in school and in families young people are treated as they are all the same. Young people are often treated like robots, like they are all the same and have to be molded into whatever they think they should be.
There are numerous tools to find one's talents, including the Kolbe Concept. One can also listen to what others say they are good at. And they can realize what energizes them, a good sign that one is on the right track.
There is much shaming telling young people that they are lazy. It is quite often the case that those young people are not in the arena they are meant to be in. They need to be nurtured so their true talents flower.

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