Building a Backup #4

3 years ago

Once again, Archived from Youtube as I move my content over.

This series ends here, there wasn't enough traction or interest. Anyone interested in how a basic mini PC could be built should still find it somewhat interesting. It doesn't have to be used for Freenas, it will run Windows or Linux handily. Just don't expect to game on it without blowing the power supply. Sadly, that 12V power supply DID eventually fail, but I got 3 years out of it. I expect if you were using it as intended, as a once-in-a-while powered on box, it would be fine. The best part is with Freenas/Truenas moving the storage drives to a new PC is pretty easy. I have since moved it to a new case, and will be moving it again probably soon as the motherboard is starting to act odd.

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