3 years ago

Online Conference 4 April 2021 Part 2 Day 2 12:30pm CEST

Dan teaches the actual musical frequencies of kundalini and bliss; and the wave mechanics for how and why they are ‘implosive and negentropic’.

“In terms of meditation, my personal experiences of intense kundalini experiences was brought on by the Gurdjieff sacred gymnastic and the breath work. The essence of meditation is simple, you need to have a very long wave that can then embed short waves. To embed yourself in a long wave is the function of ritual and meditation. So that process of getting yourself phase aligned with very long waves is sometimes called rapt, or rapture, where you have a vice like sort of grip that you feel electrically when you get really still. And that is a way to commune with the infinite.

The risk is that if you do that communion without coming back and bringing it into the world which is called grounding, and grounding is access to a fractal for psychologists or electricians. That if you come back without finally delivering that information you’ve picked up by entering the stillness, it becomes fractionating, that the only way you avoid the hive mind is when you come back and individuate what you’ve learned and find a way to share it practically.

Dan Winter’s background spans a broad spectrum of disciplines from mechanics, mathematics, sacred geometry to physics and the metaphysics of bliss. He pursued graduate studies in psychophysiology, and the origins of languages, as well as trained in the Gurdjieff school at Claymont, and much much more. Dan is a prolific writer and much of his work is available on the Internet.

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