12 Building Blocks - Jerry Wise

3 years ago


Family Tree Stream Feb 18, 2020

Trying to find and become your true Self? Jerry has been helping people with Self Differentiation for over 40 years. His website offers many helps for building a Self.

Jerry shares 12 building blocks for a real self. From systems thinking/seeing to detachment to overcoming enmeshment to be a real Self. He also has a Q & A session.

Contact Jerry Wise MA, MS, CLC and his team at
Call: 317-919-6264 USA
Email: jerrywise5@gmail.com

Join his website and get his exclusive content and training.

Jerry Wise Relationship Systems Coaching provides coaching, advice, training and facilitation in resolving relationship and life issues using Bowen Family Systems Theory.

Jerry has been a marriage and family therapist, addictions therapist, social worker, ACOA expert, codependency expert, pastor, popular workshop speaker, therapist trainer, YouTube video educator, author, certified life/relationship coach and musician. He holds degrees in political science, music, psychology, and marriage and family therapy.

Jerry offers online help and professional coaching for individuals and couples in the U.S. and all over the world via Skype, FaceTime and Google Hangouts. As a self-differentiation and relationship systems coach, he uses his knowledge in family systems theory to help clients get un-stuck and find a true sense of Self.

No videos or advice are intended to be a replacement for any licensed psychotherapy or to be guidance for your life situation.


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